The institute have very well equipped Workshops and Lab facilities. Students are encouraged to acquire application skills and verify the knowledge of the class room practically. Various departments and programmes have their independent labs and workshops.
Well equipped laboratories are supervised by competent faculty members and efficient Lab Instructors.
Applied Sciences
In addition to the scientific and technical knowledge, efforts are made to make the students responsible and conscientious citizens of the nation. Through class room teaching and personal interactions students are made aware of the diverse issues affecting man and society. The teaching methods followed by the department emphasise the discursive mode and interpersonal contact between faculty and students. Such a healthy interaction makes students learn at a faster pace and at the same time makes them more confident to express themselves in a wide variety of situations and on diverse platforms.
In the Chemistry and Physics Lab of the Department, students are equipped with the practical knowledge about the aspects of Science which act as a base on which they create the edifice of their professional lives. We believe that “money and skills no longer know borders” and so we train students for varied situations in the Language Laboratory.
Applied Physics
Applied Physics laboratory is used by all diploma students in their first year training. Practical training involves measurement and study of physical quantities and properties; this is very important in present day technology which gives enormous importance to exactness and involves interplay between diverse properties of technologically relevant materials.
Applied Chemistry
Chemistry plays an important role in all disciplines of Engineering. So utmost care has been excercised in its teaching. Chemistry Lab is well equipped with latest instruments such as digital pH meter, polarimeter, distiled water plant, magnetic stirrer, electric oven, muffle furnace, lass ware, chemicals, organic and inorganic compounds to understand the chemical behavior of substances.
Mechanical Engineering, an evergreen branch of engineering, is one of the well equipped lab of the intitution. It deals with design, structural, architectural, installation, operation, trouble shooting and maintenance of different types of machines and systems of industries.
To reinforce and exercise engineering and measurement principles, exposure to instrumentation and systems, and engineering practice, and to develop proficiency in data analysis and presentation.
To provide a platform for practice in technical communication.
Testing of materials for their strength under the action of external loads are studied in this lab. Knowledge of strength of Metals and nonmetals is essentials before its use in any structure and designing.
Measurement and Metrology is one the most important areas related to Quality Control – as found on shop floors. The lab has fully developed set of equipments to make the students industry ready.
Hydraulics Lab
Hydraulic Laboratory is to carry out physical modeling applications of water structures such as breakwaters, breakwaters, dams and related art structures, sedimentation basins and underwater basins belonging to hydraulic, coastal and marine engineering works.
Thermal Engineering Lab
The objective of the thermal engineering laboratory is to introduce the student the fundamental theories and the industrial applications of thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid mechanics. Moreover, this laboratory also supports the research in the area of thermal engineering, and heat transfer.
Civil engineering is a professional engineering discipline that deals with the design, construction, and maintenance of the physical and naturally built environment, including works like buildings, roads, bridges, canals, dams, airports, sewerage systems, pipelines, and railways. To under practical aspects of civil engineering following labs are available.
Surveying Lab: -
The objective of this laboratory is to learn about measurement of distances, angles, reduced levels and setting out works.. The experiments include determination of distances using chain and tape, reduced levels and contours using level, bearing of lines using compass, horizontal and vertical angles using theodolite, , and graphical method using plane table.Use of modern equipment like total station will be demonstrated. This laboratory course will help the students to understand the theoretical concepts learned in the course surveying.
Building Material testing laboratory helps for selecting and verifying materials and to evaluate material quality, performance, troubleshooting, research and many other applications.
Soil Testing is an integral part of soil mechanics and foundation engineering. A proper evaluation of soil samples and analysis of test results are essential of students and practicing civil Engineers. CONCRETE TECHNOLOGY LAB:
This lab enables students to carry various experiments regarding compressive strength of concrete, tensile strength of concrete, workability test, design mix, modulus of rupture of concrete. All these experiments intended to determine the quality of concrete.
Build Construction experiments help to understand, to know the practical behavior of the physical structures like beams, different arches, roof truss etc. A proper structural analysis of these structures helps the students to solve the practical problems.
Public health engineering
The Public health Engineering laboratory practical provides good insight into different experimental methods relevant to Public health Engineering. In this lab we performs various test on drinker water and sewage samples to check pH value, total dissolved solids, BOD and COD, total suspended particles etc.
RCC and Highway lab
For the design the construction of highway, it is imperative to carry out tests on construction materials for their scientific designing and economic utilization. The prime objective of the different tests in use is to know and classify the pavement material into different group depending upon their physical and strength or stability
Electrical engineering is a professional engineering discipline that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
Basic Electrical lab where the students understand the use of different measuring instruments, small electrical equipments, transformers, DC & AC motors and perform experiments on it.
Electrical Machine Lab
The laboratories are equipped with various electrical machines like 3-phase induction motors, DC motors, Synchronous machines, Transformers, different trainer kits and suitable control panels, where all the experiments on the subjects are conducted. Simultaneously 5 different experiments are conducted by different groups of students.
Electrical instrument Measurement Lab
The students gain the knowledge of measuring different parameters by use of different bridges liken Kelvin’s Double bridge, Maxwell bridge, Schering bridge, Use of Galvanometers Potentiometers, Energy meters, Drawing of hysteresis loop, measurement of power. Equipments like different bridges, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, Galvanometers, Spectrum analyzer kit, Hysteresis loop kit etc. are useful to the students to improve their knowledge.
Electronics lab
Electronics labs are special and well equipped with the latest signal generators, oscilloscopes, digital trainer kits and measuring instruments. Students of various branches design and test their analog/digital/mixed signals, digital circuits as part of their curriculum. Guidance is provided to the students by a team of expert faculty and lab technicians. The labs are kept open after the college hours to enable the students to engage themselves in designing /testing the circuits in their leisure hours.
The institute provides well furnished Wi-Fi enabled Computer Lab facility to all its students and faculty members to update their knowledge according to technical requirements of industry. There are two computer labs well equipped with 60 work-stations helpful for information search, idea formulation, projects.